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Participation is the core of our program, offering an excellent platform for children to maintain their fitness and well-being. Combining swimming, biking, and running into a single sport, we have created a unique and personalized experience, which we like to call a bespoke sport. While swimming, biking, and running are enjoyable on their own, their fusion creates something truly remarkable.

We wholeheartedly encourage children aged 7 and above to embrace the excitement and joy of enhancing their swimming, biking, and running skills. They can choose to pursue these activities individually or participate alongside friends and siblings.

For children between the ages of 7 and 13, our Little T’s Triathlon program, hosted by the Canberra Junior Triathlon Club, serves as an ideal entry point. As for those aged 13 and older, they can engage in similar activities alongside peers aged up to 19.

Participation is the stepping stone that grants children the chance to engage in local duathlons, aquathlons, and triathlons. Furthermore, they can expand their horizons beyond the capital and take part in numerous events across ACT and New South Wales. This opens up a world of exciting opportunities for them to explore and grow.


Come and join us and prepare yourself for the 23/24 TRIATHLON SEASON

Canberra Multisport Events